Women’s History Month: Suffrage in Louisiana

For more than 20 years, March has been proclaimed Women's History Month.  A key part of that is Women's Suffrage--the right the vote.  We've all heard stories of Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, but have you ever wondered about the fight for the women's vote in Louisiana?  If so, we have a list of some great sites that can tell you all about it: https://stpl.bibliocommons.com/list/share/1026601197_stplreferenceslidell/1364605587_womens_suffrage_in_louisiana, opens a new window.

Interested in sharing stories of strong women with your kids?  We've got a list for that, too!  Check out any of these great books in our collection: https://stpl.bibliocommons.com/list/share/1026601197_stplreferenceslidell/1345801799_stories_about_strong_women_for_your_kids, opens a new window.

Finally, if you would like to read about some suffragettes yourself, take a look at some of these great titles:


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