Ancient Ireland

“Everyone is Irish on Saint Patrick’s Day,” some people say, and what better a day to commemorate the ancient history of Ireland than today? Ireland, Eire, Hibernia — Ireland is known by many names.  Sometimes Ireland is called "the Emerald Island" for the island's great green expanses.  Some people call Ireland "the Island of Saints…
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Non-Fiction Spotlight: Rich Dad, Poor Dad 25th Anniversary Edition

Every year, this writer does his best to reach out to our readers and offer some financial resources available through your local library. Here at the height of Tax Season, we are covering the best-selling anecdotal, Rich Dad Poor Dad. While this blog is primarily about the 25th anniversary update, the book has a bit…
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The Pizza Blog

The Pizza Blog Pizza is America's favorite food. The statistics are staggering: -The average person eats 46 slices of pizza per year. 8 slices to a pie, that's over 5 pizzas a year. -Every day, over 100 acres of pizza of varying types are consumed! -Every year, over 3 billion pizzas are ordered. That's 9…
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