Home Repair Resources

Hurricane Season in Louisiana almost always winds up also being Home Repair Season, as residents scramble to fix up their home before bad weather hits, or after it has passed through. Unfortunately, Hurricane Ida made that situation very real for many residents. Some residents were more fortunate than others, but a great many people might find themselves in need of some repair, and might have to turn to themselves to see to the maintenance.

As with many topics, the St. Tammany Parish Library is happy to offer our resources to our patrons.

One of the many online databases patrons have access to is the Home Improvement Resource Center, opens a new window provided by EBSCO. The Home Improvement Resource Center has articles and helpful videos divided into several categories relevant to home improvement, including home remodeling, electrical, plumbing and more. They will teach you about the various tools for the job, how to use them, what materials you may need, and more! Feel free to give this very helpful database a look.

Another fantastic resource is the Department of Housing and Urban Development. They have a wealth of resources for numerous topics ranging from rent and rent assistance to home ownership. Though a federal agency, they also partner with state groups, including Louisiana. Louisiana, opens a new window has an entire page dedicated to Home Repair, and various local resources. Many of these resources are categorized by parish and city, but most state resources are applicable across Louisiana.

And of course, as always, the St. Tammany Parish Library has a wealth of physical media that patrons can check out and view. Here are a few items you may find useful.

The Complete Photo Guide to Home Repair

Yes, You Can!

Do-it-yourself Home Improvement

The Mold Survival Guide for your Home and for your Health

How your House Works

Ultimate Guide: Plumbing

Beginner's Guide to DIY & Home Repair

Ultimate Guide to Home Repair and Improvement

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Simple Home Repair

Through rain and sleet, sun and snow, the St. Tammany Parish Library is here and happy to offer assistance to our patrons.

Looking for something else? As always, the St. Tammany Parish Library is happy to offer free use of our online catalog, opens a new window for more information on this and other topics.

Also feel free to check out the rest of the STPL Bloggers, opens a new window. We are always publishing articles on a variety of topics, both relevant and interesting. Keep an eye out for new blogs, as you never know what topic we will cover next!