Are you ready for tax season this year? Maybe you’re still waiting to receive your W-2 and you haven’t really thought about filing your taxes. Or maybe you’ve collected all of the documents you need to file your taxes and can’t wait to start. Regardless of your situation, your local library has several resources that are freely available during this year’s tax season.
For example, the St. Tammany Parish Library is a partner with MyFreeTaxes, a free income tax preparation program that's available online. A collaboration between United Way Worldwide and H&R Block, MyFreeTaxes allows taxpayers who make less than $66,000 a year to prepare their own returns from the comfort and convenience of their home or office using H&R Block software. Filers can prepare one federal and up to 3 state returns through this program. To start filing, go to and click login.
Alongside access to MyFreeTaxes each St. Tammany Parish Library branch offers paper 1040 tax booklets and instructions. The IRS provides these tax forms to the library. Don’t see the form you need? If you know the product number of the form, then a reference librarian may be able to help you print it for free.
Every year your local library prepares for tax season by providing free paper tax forms and information about other free online and local services that are available to make filing inexpensive and easy. If you would like more information about the tax resources that the library provides or if you would like to learn about other local resources for filing your taxes, please visit the library’s research information page or call your nearest reference librarian.