The library has several opportunities for children to join book clubs across the parish during the upcoming programming session. The Covington and Slidell Branches will each be hosting a "Book to Movie Book Club" and the Causeway Branch will be hosting a Graphic Novel Book club. Read on for more information about each of these fun programs!
CAUSEWAY GRAPHIC NOVEL BOOK CLUB: Calling all Graphic Novel Lovers! This book club is for children ages 8 to 11, and each month participants will read a different graphic novel. During each meeting everyone will get a chance to share and discuss their thoughts on the book and complete a craft. Registration is required for each meeting, and participants may register online or by calling the Causeway Branch. Participants do not need to attend every meeting (though we hope you will). The book club will read the following titles and meets at 4:15 on the following Thursdays:
- Thursday, February 20th: Anne of Green Gables by Mariah Marsden
- Thursday, March 26th: The Stonekeeper (Amulet #1) by Kazu Kibuishi
- Thursday, April 23rd: Ghosts by Raina Telgemeier
Contact the Causeway children's librarian with questions or to get a copy of this month's book at (985)626-9779. Popcorn and lemonade will be served at each meeting, so please inform the librarian of any food allergies at least one week in advance. We are happy to make accommodations for you.
SLIDELL MIDDLE GRADE BOOK TO MOVIE BOOK CLUB: Each month readers ages 7-11 (3rd-6th grade) will read a different book and watch the movie adaptation of the same book. This fun book club format offers lots of opportunities for discussion of the books, and also of how each book and movie may be similar or different. The movie matinee for each month will be held on a Saturday from 2pm-4pm and the bookclub meeting will be held on a Monday from 4:30-5:30pm. The book to movie club will read the following books and meet at the following times:
- February: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis. Movie Matinee: Saturday, February 22nd. Book Club Discussion: Monday, February 24th.
- March: The House with a Clock in its Walls by John Bellairs. Movie Matinee: Saturday, March 21st. Book Club Discussion: Monday, March 30th.
- April: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Movie Matinee: Saturday, April 18th. Book Club Discussion: Monday, April 27th.
Registration is required for each meeting. Please register online or by calling the branch at (985)646-6470. Participants do not need to attend every meeting (but we hope you will)! For more information please contact the Slidell Children's Librarian at (985)646-6470. Popcorn and lemonade will be served at meetings. Please inform the librarian of any food allergies at least one week in advance. We are happy to make accommodations for you.
COVINGTON BOOK TO MOVIE BOOKCLUB: For children ages 8-11 (3rd-6th grade). Each month reader's will read a different book and watch it's movie adaptation! This book club is sure to be lots of fun in the newly renovated Covington Branch! Participants will watch the movie on a Saturday afternoon from 2pm-4pm and then the bookclub discussion will take place on a Thursday from 4:30-5:30pm. The club will read the following books and meet at the following times:
- Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Movie Matinee: Saturday, February 29th. Book Club Discussion: Thursday, March 5th.
- The House with a Clock in its Walls by John Bellairs. Movie Matinee: Saturday, March 28th. Book Club Discussion: Thursday, April 9th.
- The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis. Movie Matinee: Saturday, April 25th. Book Club Discussion: Thursday, April 30th.
Registration is required for each event, and participants may register online or by calling the Covington Branch at (985)893-6280. Participants do not need to attend every meeting (but we hope you will)! For more information, please contact the Covington Children's Librarian at (985)893-6280. Popcorn and lemonade will be served at each meeting. Please inform us of any food allergies at least one week in advance. We are happy to make accommodations for you.
Please note, for your child's safety children ages 9 and under may not be left unattended in any St. Tammany Parish Library.