Where to find items in branches
Challenged Book Reference Collection
The Covington and Slidell branches have a reference collection of all of the challenged titles. These items are on a cart. Patrons can have access to any item their library card level gives them access to. Patrons are allowed to see the entire cart (and they are not required to name the book they wish to see) or they may request certain titles. Patrons can look at any or all of the items at the circulation desk. If a patron wants to take the cart to a table to examine multiple items or wants to take an individual book away from the desk, they must leave collateral since these items don’t check out. Staff can hold their keys, driver's license, or similar items to ensure the materials are returned.
Challenged Materials Lists
Downloadable lists:
- Statements of Concern by Status and Date Updated 3/24/25 to include new SOC, status, original location, and current location. Titles now also include a link to the PDF of the redacted Statement of Concern. To read a summary of the title, look up the title in the library's catalog, or use a review service such as Goodreads, Common Sense Media, or LibraryThing.
- Statements of Concern by Title Updated 3/24/25 to include new SOC, status, original location, and current location.
- Children's Non-fiction Moved to Adult Non-fiction, opens a new window per LBOC Minor Card policy under La. R.S. 25:225. Not available to check out with Restricted or Semi-Restricted card. 3/1/2024,
Visual List with Statements of Concern:
The list below includes titles that have not been decided on and are still under review. Some titles with Statements of Concern did not exist, no longer exist in the collection, or were submitted without the correct author or title. If a title only has a book listed, click the title to see if there are other formats the title can be accessed with (audio or ebook).
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
-Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
Blue is the Warmest Color (Hoopla Only), opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statements of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window)
-Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statemen of Concern, opens a new window
- Statements of Concern: (Statement, opens a new window) | (Statement, opens a new window)
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window
- Statements of Concern: (Statement, opens a new window) | (Statement, opens a new window)
- Statement of Concern, opens a new window