Application for Use of Meeting Room "*" indicates required fields Branch Location of Meeting and Conference Room*Please selectCauseway Library Meeting Room (Capacity: 60 with seating, 125 no seating)Covington Library Meeting Room (Capacity:60 with seating; 125 no seating)Madisonville Library Meeting Room A (Capacity: 60 seated, 125 standing)Madisonville Library Meeting Room B (Capacity: 30 seated, 65 standing)Madisonville Library Meeting Room A and B: (Capacity: 90 seated, 190 standing)Madisonville Library Conference Room (Capacity: 10; Minimum 4)Slidell Library Meeting Room (Capacity: 67 seated, Unseated: 142)Slidell Library Conference Room (Capacity: 12)South Slidell Meeting Room (Capacity: 93 standing; 43 seated)Date(s) Requested for Use of the Meeting Room*Please note that applications may be made up to sixty (60) days in advance, but no later than three (3) working days before the meeting date. MM slash DD slash YYYY MM slash DD slash YYYY MM slash DD slash YYYY Name of Organization or Company*Please Briefly Describe the Meeting or Program (Purpose, Topic, Speaker, etc)*Approximate Number of People Expected*Please enter a number from 2 to 175.Beginning Time of Meeting* Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Ending Time of Meeting* Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Beginning Time of Room Use* Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Ending Time of Room Use* Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Number of Chairs Needed*Number of Tables Needed*Will there be food or drink?* Yes No * I confirm that I have thoroughly read the meeting room policies and agree that this meeting will be held in accordance with the regulations established by the St. Tammany Parish Library Board of Control concerning the use of the library's meeting rooms. Name* First Last Your Title in the OrganizationAddress* Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP / Postal Code Phone Number*Fax NumberEmail Address* Will you be advertising this event?*If yes, you must include at least a rough draft of the advertising you plan to use. No Yes Advertising Artwork (Flyer, Social Media Image, etc.)All advertising must be clear that the library is the location of the event and is not affiliated with, sponsoring or endorsing the event. **All ads shall include: Who is presenting the event, be it a single person or company/agency. The presenter information must be clear and prominent. ** See rule 8 of the Meeting Room Policy: “Meetings will not be publicized in a manner that suggests library sponsorship or affiliation. The library does not disseminate information for non-library sponsored meetings or sign up participants for non-library sponsored meetings.” Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: png, jpg, pdf, Max. file size: 12 MB, Max. files: 5. Continued Review of Advertising - if video format, please include URL CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. -> View an example of what advertising is approved., opens a new window