Obituaries provide the names of the deceased, names of the survivors, names of the immediate family preceded in death, location of service, and place of burial. Obituaries are useful in genealogy research to determine immediate family relationships that may have been omitted in the census. Obituaries are commonly found in the newspapers of the town…
History At A Glance: First Schools in Covington
Covington was founded on July 3, 1813 by John Wharton Collins. Settlers started migrating to this area in search of economic opportunity, a peaceful tranquil atmosphere, and a chance to start anew in a new area. After a while, the population grew, businesses started flourishing, and the need for educating the youth of the area…
History At A Glance: Mass Transportation Comes to Covington!
Nestled among the tall pines, dense forest, and numerous waterways was the area of Covington founded by John Wharton Collins on July 3, 1813. He named the town Wharton. However, a legislative decision led by David Bannister Morgan renamed the town Wharton to Covington in March of 1816 in honor of General Leonard Covington, a…
Holiday Baking
'Tis the season for baking up special treats, and we are definitely looking forward to making cookies for Santa. The origin of leaving out milk and cookies for Santa Claus is still up for debate. NPR suggests we thank the Dutch for cookies and the Victorians for their hospitality. The History Channel traces the origin…
Fiction Spotlight: Star Wars: From A Certain Point of View
Star Wars Just in time for Star Wars: The Last Jedi, there's another new Star Wars book for fans to enjoy. This one comes highly recommended and offers a fresh take on the classic adventure. Star Wars From A Certain Point of View The book covers the events of the original film, from opening shot…
Happy Hanukkah!
What do a dreidel, latkes, and a menorah have in common? This year, Hanukkah begins December 12 at sunset. It will continue for eight days, ending December 20 at nightfall. Sometimes, non-Jewish people think that Hanukkah is basically "Jewish Christmas." It's not. If you're curious about Hanukkah, and would like to learn more about it, take a look…
Cooking With Character
With the holidays upon us, people are starting to host more gatherings and potlucks. It can often be difficult to keep the recipe ideas flowing, but the good news is that many books contain untapped potential. Here at the library, we also have many cookbooks with recipes based on movies and books alike! The Nancy…
From Science Fiction to Nonfiction
Our Causeway Reference Librarian, Sonnet, held a panel at CONTraflow VII, a local science fiction and fantasy literary convention. In the panel, The Impact of Science Fiction on Society, they discussed how science fiction influences real life! For instance, Star Trek inspired the creation of the cell phone and holograms, while Star Trek: The Next…
Treasury Trove: Printed Comic Strips
Comic strips have been printed in American newspapers and magazines since the late 19th century. With a wide array of styles and writers over the decades, there's quite the collection to choose from at your local library branches. Here are some gems from periodicals past, arranged in order of their debut-- Pogo (1949-75) Disney alum Walt…
New Online Book Club
Do you love graphic novels but don’t have time to discuss them with anyone? How about that one young adult book that just grabbed your attention? Now you have a chance to speak your mind. Starting in January 2018, a new online book club by the name of “Pages and Panels” will give you a…
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